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God Is Making Your Mouth a Sharpened Sword! You Will Rule in the Midst of Your Enemies
Featured on Elijah List This is a decade where we will see the manifestation of the Kingdom of God. Many of us have been in a time of...
A Leap of Faith
Featured on Elijah List Featured on Spirit Fuel I woke up this morning to the words “leap of faith” I was impressed a leap of faith is...
Co-Create with Christ
Featured on Spirit Fuel Featured on Elijah List Recently, the Lord has been expounding on the word He gave me for 5780. This new Jewish...
Arise and Blow the Trumpet of Your Mouth!
Featured on Elijah List As we move into the new year 2020, it is time for God's people to arise and blow the trumpet of their mouth! It's...
It's a Time to Believe and Not Doubt
We are in a crucial time and how we spend our time is vital. It takes the same energy to believe as it does to doubt. Often as prophetic...
Fit for the Masters Use
I was speaking last week on the subject of inward sins with some other restoration ministers in our nation over coffee. We discussed the...
It’s Time to know your Enemy
The spirit of Jezebel has been coming against the prophetic people of God for centuries. At this time I believe the Lord wants to remind...
A Time for Unprecedented Favour and Radical Destiny
The Latter Is Different Than the Former Lately I have been sensing that the latter part of this year is going to be totally different...
Angelic Activity Is Increasing! What Role Do You Play?
I felt a nudge from the Lord over the past week to write about the activity of angels and how we have been given the authority to release...
Intercessors, Watchman and Heaven’s Negotiators
I wanted to share this prophetic glimpse into the Spirit realm I was given recently to strengthen those who stand in the courts of...
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