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The War Room

I was shown Jesus in a place that looked like a War Room there was a white board, maps etc everyone looked very serious I then realised these were well known Fathers of Faith who had moved to heaven sitting at a board table I recognised Oral Roberts, Kenneth E Hagin, Bob Jones, John Paul Jackson, ( there were others I didn't know at the table). Then I felt the Lord said heaven's strategies are being released into the earth, you have seen nothing yet.

The room was filled with such authority and expectation I heard the words "One Billion Souls" ( and remembered Bob Jones encounter with God and the promise of one billion souls) then I sensed that these men's Visions, Dreams & Promises that were given to them on earth shall be fulfilled. We should be believing and declaring the things that they didn't see in their lifetime things that were promised. I was reminded None of God's Words will fall to the ground.

The atmosphere in the room cried out it's time, It's time for the sons and daughters of earth to see the promises of God come to pass.

An Angel walked into the room and went to Jesus side he was large, stern faced, highly decorated for the battles he had led and won. I heard the Lord giving orders to this Angel and discussing with the men it's time to pull out our greatest arsenal I was waiting to hear what that was, I was surprised when I heard Jesus say "Love".

Then I sensed orders were being given to the Angel to release Love into God's people.

I was amazed at this encounter and was meditating upon it when the Lord said to me "My Love is the greatest weapon Heaven has it is an arsenal in the enemies plans it always overcomes and never fails.

There are divisions within my chosen nations that need healing so they can reach their own people and touch other nations.

I said you overcome evil with good. What did you think that meant? Many of my people have argued and fought over doctrines and beliefs. People will start to love one another regardless of their differences and beliefs, and you will see the greatest move of my Spirit come upon my earth.

The church will reach new heights in these last days as she will be given the power of love. You have seen a revelation break forth all over my Body of my love towards my people but now it is time for my people to love others unconditionally.

When my Body embraces the unloveable, those that don't agree with the whole of Heaven will back their decisions. Extending the olive branch to the most unlikely people groups will cause reformation and shake the kingdom of darkness to its core.

My people will take to the streets with Love as their motivation and many will be swept into my kingdom. Some of my greatest leaders today will be challenged by the change of heart towards different people groups.

To see these great promises of the men of the earth fulfilled in this time you need more then faith "Faith works through Love" Most of your promises have not yet been seen due to a lack of Love. This injection of Love I have released will be manifested all over the earth no longer will My Body be in competition for the loudest voice they will have the loudest actions.

(I remembered while writing this down Jack Frost spoke of a reformation of Love sweeping the earth like a tidal wave)

Hebrews 11:13-16 (NIV) 13 All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance,admitting that they were foreigners and strangers on earth. 14 People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own. 15 If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. 16 Instead, they were longing for a better country—a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them.

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