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Prophetic Whisper

Be Encouraged Today 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Behold I am doing a New Thing!

“Behold I am doing a New thing, will you not perceive it, and will you not recognise it and will you not give heed to it? For I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19

I have talked about transition in past months it’s now time to CROSS OVER!

Notice this scripture says look I am doing a new thing will you perceive it? Will you recognise it? Will you give heed to it?

The Lord is asking us some very direct questions in this season. He is asking us do we have a new perception ( have a new mindset) , do we recognise the new (are our spiritual eyes open) , are we paying attention to the new ( are our spiritual ears listening for His whisper).

All the way through history we read stories where people missed the new and held onto the old. We will not be those people as long as we stay close.

He also says this scripture I will make a way in the wilderness, He is making a way to CROSS OVER into your promise land. Rivers will flow out of your dry places, God will take the things that looked to defeat you and turn them into a pool of Bethesda.

Many people will come and be set free.


Lord, let us be a people that have eyes to see and ears to hear what you are doing in this season. Give us Kingdom mindsets to leave the old and cross over into the new. We want you to take every area of Wilderness and turn it into a river of life. We thank you that in this season we will see many healed and set free. In Jesus Name,Amen.

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