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Turn the Lights On

Yesterday in corporate worship I saw the Lord turn on a light switch inside people’s brains as the switch was flicked electrical currents of truth started to penetrate people’s innermost being (their core beliefs systems). I knew it was a vision for the whole body of Christ.

It has been the deepest desire of our loving Father for His Church to be filled with the Spirit of Truth, awakening God’s People to the lies of the enemy.

“Behold, you delight in truth in the inward being, and you teach me wisdom in the secret heart” - Psalms 51:6

God’s people that have been deceived by the enemy in the past will suddenly be awakened to their authority and understand what belongs to them. They will no longer take a backseat but have a new found confidence in who God is and what He has done for them individually and corporately.

So many of God’s people have been living in survival mode not aware of the redeemed life provided for them. At times they see a glimpse of that life but never truly enter their promised land.

What is a redeemed life? A life purchased through Calvary for all mankind.

Redeemed definition - : to free from what distresses or harms: such as a: to free from captivity by payment of ransom b: to extricate from or help to overcome something detrimental c: to release from blame or debt: clear d: to free from the consequences of sin

Jesus purchased a redeemed life for each one of His children free from blame, consequences of sin, free from captivity.It’s time for us to be awakened to what Jesus actually did on the cross and the overflow effect it caused to all those who call Him Saviour.

Expect that instantaneously God will change the way people are believing. Just like a light switch being turned on, they will be able to see their destiny, freedom, authority and inheritance clearly.

The kingdom of Heaven is colliding with earth bringing truth to our hearts and minds changing our perspectives and causing freedom on all levels. When the truth is present Heaven is close the further away we are from truth the darker the atmosphere. The Spirit of Truth breaks the lies of captivity and causes transformation.

Who is the Spirit of Truth?

"But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come" - John 16:13

There is so much condemnation and guilt in the Body of Christ for those who have not experienced total freedom. I believe that people who have lived in captivity but still served, loved and honoured God will be sovereign signs of grace, God himself is setting them free in this hour. These people will play an important part in this next prophetic season of restoration.

I want to tell you today that God has a plan to reach people who have been held in captivity, people who love God, people who have encountered God but have not experienced true freedom. Our heavenly Father is not willing to see His people stay in captivity, the scales are tipped.

So what action should we take?

We need to pray for the Spirit of truth to saturate atmospheres in such proportions that the lies of the enemy are completely overpowered by truth. It is a new Day Dawning a great light will be seen in the earth as the Spirit of Truth restores the years the locusts have eaten.

“The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned” - Matthew 4:16

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