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Prophetic Whisper

You have heard it said through different prophetic voices we have entered a NEW ERA in 2019. I felt the Lord say look up the definition of ERA.

: a fixed point in time from which a series of years is reckoned

: a memorable or important date

: beginning of a new period in history.

There is a reckoning taking place in heaven at this time to balance the books of eternity.

The enemy has stolen, lied to, tormented, and bullied the people of God long enough. His legal lease on earth is fast approaching an end.

There is a reward of the wicked being decreed from the heavenly realms. The righteous judge is commanding the thief to restore seven fold to the people of God. There is no escaping the Lords Justice system.

If you ever had those thoughts ” I can't believe what the enemy got away with this or that ”think again.

This is the time of great recompence towards the people of God. The Lord will not stay silent any longer the GAVEL of heavens court rooms is about to strike GUILTY over the enemies fate.

Start aligning with this NEW ERA by decreeing the enemies fate in your life and in the world. Command him to loose you and all that you own. Declare he is returning all that has been stolen in Jesus Name. All heaven is backing you. In light of this reckoning taking place your decrees and declarations are about to increase in authority and power.

I heard this old song.

Sing it with me today.

“Our God is an awesome God

He reigns, from heaven above

With wisdom , power and love

Our God is an awesome God.”

We serve a just God full of compassion who is moved by our human frailty, you are not alone. Your God will fight for you.

”For the Lord of hosts will have a day of reckoning against everyone who is proud and lofty and against everyone who is lifted up, That he may be abased.”

Isaiah 2:12


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