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The devil has desired to sift the body of Christ like wheat, but Jesus has prayed

The pressure and resistance the body of Christ has experienced over the past few years, especially against kingdom leaders, is not comparable with anything else in my ministry lifetime. Voices shouting retreat, withdraw and turn back especially directed at those on the front line. There has been an onslaught of demonic assignments with great intensity. I have witnessed so much heartache, sickness, family breakdown, financial crisis in the Body of Christ over this period.

The battle has been relentless for most who have set their hearts to expand the kingdom at all costs especially against those flowing in the Apostolic and Prophetic rivers.

I really want to encourage you today and share a recent encounter and the words the Lord spoke clearly to me about this season of harvest.

I recently experienced a bombardment of discouragement although I was aware it was a demonic assignment never the less it was more intense than I had experienced in 28 years as a Christian. Generally, I am one who encourages themselves and others in the Lord daily. This assignment had a different dynamic of immense magnitude to remove me from my post.

In the midst of this ambush, I and my husband heard the Lord say visit Bethel, Redding, California there are no words to describe the warfare that was going on over our lives at this time and it did not seem opportune, but we knew it was the Lord. He gave us a promise that it would be life-changing. At that moment in time, any change was welcomed.

As I mentioned I am one who has encouraged myself and others around me in the Lord for over 21 years of full-time ministry. Always being able to pull myself and others through the hardest of battles. This was remarkably different you could physically feel the atmospheric pressure on all sides there was an overwhelming sense to abort the vision of God. To, stop just give up.

During our visit to Bethel, I had many encounters with God that I believe now some were not just for me but for the whole Body of Christ. There was a pivotal point in time where I realised this one particular visitation from the Lord was to share. This assignment has been against the whole body of Christ. Many people were going through the same deluge of doubt and desperately needed encouragement. In totally different areas, voices saying “give up on your business, give up on your marriage, give up on ministry”. It became apparent the spirit of abortion had been unleashed on God’s people. This demonic assignment was to get God’s people to abort heavens divine plans for their lives.

In one of the encounters, I was crying and screaming out to God I did not think it was possible to go on. I can’t say I had never felt this type of anguish. Right there during that time of worship the Lord appeared and stood in front of me with tears in His eyes and a serious look on His face. He began to thank me for being faithful and standing. That was it I was a complete mess totally undone as I did not feel like I had one ounce of faith left. Maybe this is you today, you feel faithless? Then this message is for you.

Afterwards, I was reflecting and realised this thank you from the Father was to the whole Body of Christ. Receive it for yourself today. Thank you for believing to see His goodness on the earth. Thank you for standing against impossible odds. Thank you for not retreating in battle. Thank you for loving the unlovable and continuing in a forward momentum at all costs. Thank you for holding fast to the promises of God.

Then he quoted Luke 22:31 “Satan has desired to sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you”. Still totally overwhelmed by the presence of my Lord standing in front of me, I involuntarily cried out “How do you know I can do this”?

Maybe you are doubting today that you can finish the race? Unexpectantly the Lord replied with a calm voice, “Do you think my prayers are answered?”

It broke that assignment over me in that instant I knew the battle belonged to the Lord.

Today Satan may have desired to sift you like wheat, but Jesus has prayed for you, that scripture ends in Jesus saying when you have turned strengthen your brothers. I want to remind you also, sifting is always preparation before the harvest, you have been called to reap the harvest in this season.

I decree over you the everlasting intercessor is interceding on your behalf today. His prayers are being answered not only is the assignment of abortion being broken your faith will not fail. You will turn from your captivity and strengthen your brothers.

Jesus, prayers are always answered.

Luke 22:31-32 (NIV)

“Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”

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