As we move into the new year 2020, it is time for God's people to arise and blow the trumpet of their mouth! It's a time of heralding in the new epoch—a year of communication and publication. God's messages will be heralded and be a sign that (something) is about to happen throughout the earth causing a spiritual vibration, an invitation that says, "This is the way, walk in it."
"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." (Isaiah 30:21)
Acceleration in Communications, Publications and Technology
We have entered 5780, which starts a new Hebraic decade, and many people are waiting for instructions and directions before they can move forward the way God intended.
The last decade was all about "seeing by the eye" and many had their spiritual eyes dilated, permitting them to see into and for the Body of Christ.
This new decade is all about "opening your mouth." The Hebrew letter "Pey" carries the numerical value of 80 and is a picture/symbol of a mouth. Where vision within the Body of Christ has increased in accuracy throughout the last decade, now prophetic vision will also be accompanied by an increase in communication and publication.
Now is the time for the seers of God to articulate into words what they have seen over the past decade. As they do, it will give a platform for God's wisdom to be released in a greater dimension.
I saw communications and publications of all kinds flowing from the pens of ready writers. It's time to release the mysteries of God in creative ways.I saw an acceleration of technology and electronic, interactive inventions where people will become a part of virtual classrooms, mentorships and meetings. We have seen this already, but there is such a powerful release available over communications and publications in the area of creative ideas to enhance the existing technology.
Those of you who are in these industries, be sure to take advantage of this release of Heaven's creativity.
I was prompted to go back and read a prophetic word over Germany posted by the Elijah List in November 2018. It regarded technology advances in that nation that would go out into all the nations. Part of the technology that I saw was interactive worship software where people brought into virtual worship meetings could personally encounter God in a unique way.
The Creative Breath of God
Prophetic voices will have a greater proficiency in this decade to communicate and publish what they are seeing and discerning than in past seasons. These prophetic communications and publications will carry the creative breath of God.
The breath of man releases God's wisdom. God's words in the mouth of man are filled with creative power, causing doorways to open up and people to walk into their higher destinies. It's time for those who have been given a platform to open their mouths, and the Lord will fill them with fresh manna from Heaven.
Part of God's plan is unfolding before our eyes; mankind is opening his mouth as a co-creator with God. This has always been God's intention—to bring man into his full potential. This is one the purposes of mankind being created in the likeness and image of God.
"Seeing" is about to come to a crescendo in this prophetic, symbolic year of 2020. God's people have been developing His vision over the past decade, and now there is a combination of clear vision with communication to publish heavenly downloads.
Now is the time to release the breath of God into situations and to use the creative life force of God's words. There is creative power in mankind's mouth. The breath of God filled Adam in the garden (Genesis 2:7).
There Is a Change in the Air
There will be a greater appreciation of the new epoch and how to step into it over the next few years. The Lord is saying, "There is a change in the air." Sometimes when that change has never been encountered before, we are not sure what is going on. Man is going to help influence that change with words.
This hour calls for intimacy with God and greater accountability in what we say and what we don't say.
There was a movement in the 80s and 90s that emphasized the power of the tongue and the consequences of our spoken words. In this decade, there will be a revival of this revelation regarding the power of man's words, but it will not carry the hardline connotation of the past; it will bring freedom. People will not feel burdened by the responsibility of their words, like in the past. They will be empowered as they realize the power lying in their tongues can change impossible situations.
The words of our worship will carry creative power to tear down strongholds and destroy burdens and break yokes. Worship, in this decade, will reach new levels of warfare. Many lives and regions and nations will be turned around at the hands of the prophetic psalmists. Instruments will be used for ushering in and sustaining the presence of God and His power.
The emphasis will be on God, not on people. The hearts of the worshipers will no longer care who comes to gatherings, they will only rejoice if one Person is there; all the focus will be on inviting that one Person. The presence of the Holy Spirit will be the one objective.
Herald in the new epoch by the sound coming out of your mouth; the co-creative sound will cause change in the air!
"Can you not discern this new day of destiny Breaking forth around you? The early signs of my purposes and plans Are bursting forth. The budding vines of new life Are now blooming everywhere. The fragrance of their flowers whispers, 'There is change in the air.' Arise, my love, my beautiful companion, And run with me to the higher place. For now is the time to arise And come away with me." (Song of Songs 2:13 TPT)