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It's time for new wine

bunch of blue grapes, in the background are the words new wine

New Wine, Australia

It’s a NEW day it's a NEW way.

Old things have passed away

Old mindsets

Old attitudes

Old ways of doing things

There is a release of the NEW

The NEW WINE is flowing from the cup of Jesus.

Overflowing from the cup of the Lord

Many are hesitate to taste the NEW WINE.

He will override our fears of control

Taste and see

Taste and see

That I am good

It’s a NEW day and a NEW way.

You will become frustrated if you stay in the old, and step into the NEW.

I saw the Lord dressed as a waiter holding a bottle of wine he was ready to pour from the bottle. It was labelled NEW WINE under the name was a red EXPORT logo.

I sensed the grapes were trodden with the feet of the saviour impregnated with Divine destiny and hope.

Australia drink, AUSTRALIA drink of the NEW WINE.

There was a loud crackling in the air over Australia ( like many tuning into a radio station) a new frequency was being released and people were tuning in all over the nation.

Listening ever so closely to the voice of the NEW WINE.

A fear of the Lord is coming it’s coming, it’s coming the heart of the nation is turning its turning.

Turning towards the Lord, a NEW WINE produces life wherever it flows it’s flowing it’s flowing across the great southern lands of the Holy Spirit.

Australia you are known over the nations for drinking and exporting wine you will soon be known as those who export the NEW WINE.

Send out the harvesting angels their sickles are ready, and send out the labourers into the fields drunk with NEW WINE.

Matthew 13:39b “The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels”

Get ready Australia  for the vineyards are ripe for harvest.


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