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It's time to see heads roll

I had the words to the song “Defender” ( Jesus Culture ) going over and over in my head for a few days.

“You go before I know, That You've even gone to win my war, You come back with the head of my enemy, You come back, and You call it my victory.”

It’s time to see the heads of our enemies removed. In biblical days beheading one’s enemy was a way to announce a complete victory over him. Displaying the severed head of an enemy left no doubt in anyone’s mind that this enemy was no longer a threat.

I heard the Lord say “things that have harassed us and caused conflict. Items that the enemy has laid as a stumbling block stifling our ability to push forward are being removed. As the words of this song say, you go before we know. The Lord has been working hard behind the scene.

“Who delivered me from my enemies; yes, you exalted me above those who rose against me; you rescued me from the man of violence.” Psalm 18:48

Our God has been revealed throughout history in different ways; this season, our God will be known as a just Judge, the one who removed the head of our enemies.

It is payback time. There is a reckoning in the judicial system; court decisions will be overturned; it will be unthinkable right now what laws will be changed to bring righteousness to nations. Those who resist God's Spirit in the highest places will be removed, and some will lose their lives through disobedience, ignorance and arrogance.

The Lord will triumph over the enemy and call it our victory publicly, as scripture says.

“And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.” Colossians 2:15

These battles are not won on the world's stages; they are won in the secret place with Praise, Worship & staying still until we have the victory until we have the wisdom to move forward.

Then the Lord asked me to share the last part of the word I received for 2022. It was founded on the scripture Chronicles 20:22.

“He is also showing us worship is a weapon to use against the enemy; this is the response we need to the enemy's schemes if we want to see things breakthrough in 2022. The Lord pointed out that king Jehoshaphat asked these men to go before the army and sing, “His mercy endures forever” it’s our job to cry mercy over the earth; in this hour, many cries have gone up for Justice. God's Mercy is something we don’t deserve, but He willingly gives it to us, pardoning our flaws to show His loving kindness to the world. There are different seasons where justice is required, but this place in time is desperately in need of a total wave of God's mercy to cover the nations.

Lastly, He showed me through these verses that worship was a catalyst to see increased angelic activity. “As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes”. These ambushes were described as angels that looked like men who caused the armies to fight against each other. The Scripture says he set ambushes against Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir; the Lord spoke to me about the meaning for each group of enemies the Lord is sending angelic ambushes against in 2022 on our behalf.

Ammon -(Whatever is stopping God's people from entering new territory )During the exodus, the Ammonites stopped the Israelites from passing through their lands.

Moab-(God’s people coming short of their promised land) The name Moab is a biblical name for land just short of the promised land.

Mount Seir-(Mountains/ Obstacles sent to hinder) The enemy making things look bigger than they are.

We are to remember to use our authority to release angelic hosts, to use praise as our weapon and not concentrate on the wiles of the enemy. The harvest is ripe; we are not alone in the fields; the Lord of the harvest has gone before us. We will see things we have never seen before in 2022. There will be great battles, but we will see great defeats against the enemy. Many giants will have their heads removed.”

The word in its fullness The Lord Is Setting Ambushes Against Our Enemies


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