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Merging of Generations

There is a merging of the generations taking place across the Family of God.

The Lord has prepared a table for his family to gather at this hour.

There is greater strength when the whole family gathers together in one mind and accord. He is calling us to Kingdom build as a family.

There are gifts and anointings at the table reserved for whole families.

These anointings will be released into different areas when the whole family is seated at the table.

We will see prodigals and younger generations who have been missing from the table merging into the family of God for new assignments given to the family. Those once segregated through different ideologies are now finding the strength of their arguments, failing against the spiritual force of unity.

A greater desire for connection and oneness overrides the need to be correct.

Yes! Unity is a spiritual force; nothing we can do in the natural realm will cause this coming together the Lord is speaking of.

In the past, we have spoken of unity as something man can accomplish. Only God can transform His body and bring the generations into a perfect sequence, ready to receive the outpouring of his creative power reserved for the whole family. God's DNA is more prevalent in the atmosphere when generations are aligned.

The separation Satan has caused over the last few decades to stop God's family from entering wholeness will be dissolved in the Spirit of unity.

"Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. One God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. But grace has been given to each of us as Christ apportioned it." Ephesians 4:1

We are going to see the "unity of our faith" established on the earth so that we will see the whole measure of the fullness of Christ released into the entire family. The fivefold is in operation to commission the Spirit of unity to bring the entire family into oneness.

"Until we all reach unity in the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ." Ephesians 4:13

Apostolic mothers and fathers play a significant part in merging the generations; cry out for them to take their place within the family. Release the Spirit of unity to gather them in this finest hour of God's family. Make room at the table.


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