The Lord reminded me of the declaration over the Southern Lands. Pedro Fernandes de Queirós, a Portuguese navigator (Devoted Christian), who made this declaration on the Day of Pentecost, the 14th of May 1606: “Australia del Espiritu Santo”. He decreed “I take possession of all this part of the south, as far as the pole—in the name of Jesus—which from now on shall be called the Southern Land of the Holy Ghost, always and forever.”
It’s time to rise and engage in spiritual warfare over this prophecy with sincere intent. We join together in agreement for a glory awakening across these ‘Great Southern Lands,’ The Lord showed me activity in the southern skies—a stirring over Australia and the South Pacific. Winds of change will reach the nations and leave a lasting mark on Church history.
Teams will form by a combination of next-generation and prophetic, apostolic mothers and fathers.
They will make up family, not just a company of God’s people.
This family structure shall carry a far weightier presence in the Kingdom.
The nations will say, “These people are great in the things of the Holy Spirit, they are great in the demonstration of His power, they are great in unity and relationship.”
“And so I will show my greatness and My holiness, and I will make Myself known in the sight of many nations. Then they will know that I am the LORD.” Ezekiel 38:23
These prophetic and apostolic voices from the Southern lands of the Holy Spirit carry the breath of God. As they leave their shores and travel across other lands, they will shake the heavens, opening portals for angelic encounters. Australia and the South Pacific will be known not only for what happens within, but for the impact they make beyond. The Lord declared, 'Great winds from the South are blowing.'
As the mighty Southern winds blow, they light up the skies, bringing God’s thundering and lightning to the darkest atmospheres. Nations that are earmarked for such atmospheric change will be highlighted to these Glory family pioneers and forerunners.
‘I will show Myself great through your unity and oneness’.
You will bring wholeness to broken nations, and My words will be like honey on your lips. People from the nations will be drawn to the honey pot.” This sweetness of your unity
is coming against the orphan spirit that has tried to keep the Body of Christ fragmented and powerless.
Southern Lands your pathway is cleared angelic stations are ready for your FORWARD MOVEMENT. “Then He said to me, ‘Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath, “Thus says the Lord GOD, ‘Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they come to life.” Ezekiel 37:9